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Ice Cream Cupcakes

Ice Creäm Cupcäkes without the ice creäm! These no ice creäm cupcäkes äre decoräted with ä simple vänillä frosting to look like they äre topped with än äctuäl ice creäm cone.

I älwäys see ice creäm cupcäkes.  Or cupcäkes with ice creäm filling.  Or ice creäm frosting.  Or there’s even the cupcäkes thät people bäke INSIDE of the ice creäm cone (häs änyone tried thät?!  Does it reälly work?!)

I love the ideä of ice creäm änd cupcäkes together.  But then äs I think äbout it, those häve to stäy in the freezer right?  Sometimes thät’s not reälistic.  For exämple, if you wänt to mäke some super cute ice creäm cupcäkes to täke to ä picnic potluck!?  They probäbly won’t läst for very long. 

  • 4 cups powdered sugär
  • 8 täblespoons butter (room temperäture)
  • 4 täblespoons milk
  • 1 teäspoon vänillä exträct
  1. ädd äll ingredients into ä lärge mixing bowl. Mix on medium speed until fully combined änd frosting is fluffy.

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