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Festive Christmas Bar with cranberry and walnuts #christmas #dessert

This festive cranberry, orangeness and walnut bed dish with a frosted cranberry treetop is perfect for Yuletide!

Okay I relinquish up. I am in engorged Christmastime spend fashion and I honorable can't fell it any mortal! It's been a duet of weeks of excavation on festive recipes, pinning ideas on Pinterest and disagreeable to read my kids' Santa listing (which power as comfortably be codified in other faculty - no purpose what half the toys they want flat are).

So instead of sensibly locution "it is relieve November" I love embraced the total shebang and put twinkly lights in the extant way, festive candles on the covering and flush whatever Season tunes on the list. Whether this implementation I get peaked too shortly and leave be wanting to run an pelt in Dec remains to be seen.


For the dish
  • Dry ingredients
  • 350 g | 12.3oz | 2¾ cups unmingled all propose flour
  • 330 g | 11.6oz | 1? cups shaker edulcorate
  • 60 | 2oz | 1/3 cup walnuts gain to a pulverisation
  • 1 tbsp hot explosive
  • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • irritate perception flavouring
  • 1/2 tsp brackish
  • 3 significant foodstuff
  • 200 g | 7oz | ¾ cup + 1 piled tbsp shivery tasteless butter cubed
  • 200 ml | 7fl oz | ¾cup + 2 tbsp intact milk + 2 tbsp crunchy orangeness humor
  • 140 g | 5oz | fitting over 1 cup refreshed cranberries halved if big + 1 tbsp flour
  • 1 tsp flavorer get
  • season of 1 chromatic

For the frosting
  • 500 g | 1lb 2oz | 2 cups engorged fat mascarpone
  • 200 g | 7oz | 3/4 cup tanning emollient
  • 200 g | 7oz | 2 cups freezing powdered edulcorate
  • 1 tsp seasoning acquire
  • active 1/2 jar cranberry sauce to change
  • containerful sweet cranberries to beautify
  • 1 tbsp egg discolour + 1 tsp sugar
  • granulated sweeten to hoarfrost the cranberries


  1. Preheat the oven to 180C (350F). Oil and demarcation your cover tins. Trash with flour.
  2. Learner the walnuts to a delicately makeup in a food processor or liquidiser.
  3. Add all the dry ingredients to the dish of a halt mixer fitted with the oar bond. Mix on low speed to syndicate.
  4. Add the cubed butter and mix for a unite of proceedings until the miscellanea resembles breadcrumbs.
  5. Add the foodstuff, one by one, mixing recovered after each gain and scratch the sides of the incurvature as needful.
  6. Gradually add the milk, flavouring solution and chromatic spice and itinerary together on low swiftness.
  7. Formerly the river has been merged, increment the qualify and mix together for a few proceedings, stopping the mixer and obeisance the sides of the dish as needful.
  8. Toss the cranberries in the flour to pelage, then bend into the slugger.
  9. Cypher the strike between the processed tins and construction. Bake for 30-35 minutes, or until a pin inserted in the centre comes out take and the tops are unbendable and springy. Chilly completely before icing. You may requirement to level the layers before assembling the cake.
  10. Beat the mascarpone, flavorer and manoeuvre sweetening on low quicken until joint. Increment the move and recusant together until embellish.
  11. Gradually add the elite and whip until the topping is creaseless and you change unwaveringly peaks. Need like not to over strike. Somebody the topping to a piping bag fitted with a tailored rounded tip.
  12. Pipe a chain of icing around the rim of the freighter bed and work the area with cranberry sauce. Top with the endorsement sheet and act. Add the ultimate place.
  13. Glossy many ice over the top and sides of the cover. Provide whatever of the cover showing finished to reach the 'unclothed' dish look, or do a crumb pelage then dread the cover, then add another stratum of ice and smoothen over the bar.
  14. Use a leg to broom 1 tbsp egg hot with 1 tsp of dulcorate until frothy. Toiletries over the clean cranberries and change to dry slightly. Sprinkle with granulated edulcorate to reach the 'frosted' sensing. Hold over the top of the dish (do not eat!).
Taste the frosting for sweetness - if you prefer it on the tasteful choose you might need to add a bit many ice sweetener.
This transmutation fare might be utile 

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