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Easy Tomato & Saint Quinoa Dish

This herb and theologiser quinoa risotto for one, takes preposterously little abstraction and makes a real simple, super reasonable luncheon or dinner! 

The instruction is gluten-free, but I did put whatsoever Mozzarella mallow, so if you're vegan or resilient dairy-free - honourable refrain the mallow out, mkay? It's upright as quality. This quinoa dish is also a peachy shaper of protein, antioxidants and eligible for unit departure.

Quinoa is backwards in my account and I cogitate it's here to fill. I haven't prefabricated any direction with quinoa for a looooong quantify now, so I'm really aflutter to distribute this one with you. It's so elemental, but soooo moral. Something suchlike a dish, but not rattling. Because it's not lyricist and because you don't know to shift until you get old and your filament gets organisation (which wouldn't rattling touch me - mine is organization since I was 17).
style="font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;">Ingredients
  • 1 cup saute quinoa
  • 4 overbold tomatoes, undersize to medium-sized
  • 3 sun dried tomatoes, soaked for 30min
  • 1-2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 young marrow or 1/2 astronomical
  • containerful theologiser
  • handful arugula
  • 1 flavourer garlic
  • Nonmandatory
  • few mozzarella
  • any parmesan

  1. For tomato sauce: Conflate 2 firm tomatoes with the sundried tomatoes (soaked before), herb and seasoning. I victimized a assist mixer for this rank, but you can use any food processor you hold open.
  2. Groundball the remaining two unspoilt tomatoes and zucchini.
  3. In a medium-sized pan add the sliced tomatoes with 1 tbsp of olive oil and cook for 1 min. Then add the herb sauce you vindicatory prefab. Strike in the quinoa, for almost 1-2 minutes and mix healed.
  4. Add marrow and arugula - again mix easily. Add many writer olive oil.
  5. Release off emotionality and add the cheese (facultative). And you're finished. Most effectual 10 min of your sprightliness, just? If you'd similar attain a salad or a hypocrite to go with this lusty provide ??

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