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Easy Santa Claus Cupcakes #christmas #cupcakes

These Säntä Cläus cupcäkes äre eäsy sufficiency for your kids to do. I looked ät loäds of new recipes thät were läbor qualifier, but ultimätely developed these bäsed on whät I älreädy häd in the päntry. Unfortunätely, I don't häve moment to breäk out the cäke decoräting kit this seäson.

  • Frosted cupcäkes
  • Red sugär crystäl sprinkles
  • White chocoläte chips
  • Mini chocoläte chips
  • Red M&Ms
  • Shredded coconut
  1. Täke the frosted cupcäke änd sprinkle red sugär crystäls on älmost hälf the cupcäke.
  2. Pläce white chocoläte chips älong the bottom of the sugär crystäls to creäte the hät brim.
  3. Pläce one white chocoläte chip ät the top of the cupcäke to complete the hät.
  4. Put two mini chocoläte chips on the cupcäke for Säntä’s eyes.
  5. ädd ä red M&M for Säntä’s nose.
  6. Push coconut on below the nose änd äll the wäy up the sides to the hät.
  7. Touch up with frosting. For exämple, if ä sprinkle flies into the wrong pläce, just täke ä smäll knife, your finger or ä brush änd put frosting over it. Thät’s if you cän’t fish it out.

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