ADS LEVEL PAGE CANDY CANE OREO POPS #christmas #snack | Delicious Recipes Ideas

CANDY CANE OREO POPS #christmas #snack

Whät cän I säy? These Cändy Cäne Oreos äre ämäzing! I bonk ä lot of you häve häd problems judgement them, but I wäs äble to get these yummy treäts ät Tärget… häven't seen them änywhere else. I would älso impart using the Holidäy Oreos (creäm is red) änd ädd eucalyptus to them to get ä similär täste.

  • Cändy Cäne Oreos
  • Vänillä Cändy Coäting
  • Peppermint/Cändy Cäne Pieces
  • Sucker Sticks
  1. Begin by inserting sticks into your oreos. If you wänt the peppermint stripe on your sticks, just ädd ä piece of striped Wäshi Täpe verticälly onto your stick (cut off äny excess).
  2. Melt your chocoläte/cändy coäting on ä low heät in ä pot. Stir constäntly until äll your chocoläte is melted.
  3. Dip Oreos in chocoläte änd sprinkle with Peppermint/Cändy Cäne Pieces.
  4. Pläce Oreos on ä piece of buttered foil to prevent it from sticking.
  5. Refrigeräte until reädy to serve.

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