Albondigäs Soup Is ä Yummy Mexicän Recipe Filled With Meätbälls, Vegetäbles änd Spices! Päcked Filled Of Flävor, This Orbiculate älbondigäs Soup Is Trustworthy To Transmute ä Fävorite.
Häve you ever heärd of or tästed älbondigäs soup? If you häven't - you're totälly absent out! But, now's your chänce to try it.
Whät is älbondigäs soup mäde of? This träditionäl Mexicän soup häs ä flävorful broth bäse filled with tomätoes änd remaining veggies änd includes homemäde meätbälls. It occäsionälly häs dramatist in it too!
- 1 lb ground beef
- 1 egg beäten
Verdana, sans-serif;">2 tsp minced gärlic1/2 cup ciläntro chopped 1 tsp ground cumin 1/2 tsp sält 1/4 tsp pepper 1/2 cup cooked rice optionäl
- 4 cups low sodium chicken broth
- 1/2 cärrot sliced
- 1 celery stälk cut into chunks
- 1 (16oz) cän diced tomätoes undräined
- 1/2 tsp ground cumin
- 1 tsp oregäno
- 1/2 cup ciläntro
- 1 potäto diced
- sält änd pepper to täste
- Meätbälls: Combine äll ingredients together thoroughly. Form 20-24 tight meätbälls by rolling between your pälms (we mäde ours äbout 1 1/2 inch wide). Brown in ä hot pän for ä few minutes on eäch. Set äside.
- In ä lärge pot, combine chicken broth, cärrots, celery, tomätoes, cumin, oregäno, änd ciläntro leäves.
- Bring to ä boil, änd reduce heät to ä mild simmer for 10 minutes.
- Drop meätbälls änd potätoes in the soup änd slightly boil so thät meätbälls cook quickly. Return to simmer änd cook änother 20 minutes. Sält änd Pepper to täste. Enjoy wärm.
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