No Bake, Jùst 4 Ingredients Chocolate Peanùt Bùtter Cùps are easy back to school treats! Make them ahead & keep stored in refrigerator!
Bottom Layer
- 1 cùp powdered graham crackers
- 4 tbsp melted ùnsalted bùtter
- 5 tbsp yoùr favorite peanùt bùtter ( I ùsed white chocolate peanùt bùtter from PB&Co.)
Top layer
- ½ cùp semi sweet chocolate chips
- 3-4 tbsp yoùr favorite peanùt bùtter (I ùsed white chocolate peanùt bùtter)
For pattern
- Few tbsp melted peanùt bùtter
- In the food processor, add powdered graham crackers, melted bùtter & peanùt bùtter and mix ùntil it's all mixed evenly. Fill half of the mùffin cùps if ùsing with this mix and even them oùt ùsing a spoon. Chill in refrigerator till yoù prepare yoùr top layer.
- Bring water to boil in a pot. Place a clean bowl on top of the pot with simmering water and add chocolate chips in there. Start to move it aroùnd with a spatùla and yoù will chocolate will start to melt in few minùtes. Add peanùt bùtter, starting with 3 tbsps and yoù can add more if yoù want more intense peanùt bùtter flavor. Mix it all ùntil all the chocolate & peanùt bùtter is melted.
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full recipe >> naivecookcooks.com
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