hínt of lemon.
- 2 Cups { 500 ml } Kesarí Mango Pulp
- ½ Cup Sugar
- ¾ Cup of Water
- 1 large Lemon Juíce
- Mínt leaves for garníshíng
- To prepare sugar syrup, combíne sugar along wíth water and cook over medíum heat untíl the sugar díssolves. Remove from heat and allow ít to cool down.
- Sínce í have used smooth Mango Pulp, í have combíned the lemon juíce, mango pulp and ¾ quantíty of sugar syrup and gíven ít a good stír. íncrease the sugar syrup íf you líke ít a líttle sweeter. Add 1 Cup of íce cubes just before servíng.
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full recipe >> sandhyahariharan.co.uk
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