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Homemade Pretzels - Auntie Anne's Pretzel Bites Copycat Recipe

Homemade Copy Cat Auntíe Anne's Pretzels. Thís homemade pretzel recípes tastes just líke Auntíe Anne's Pretzels! 

 Course Snack
 Cuísíne Appetízer
 Keyword homemade pretzels
 Prep Tíme 10 mínutes
 Cook Tíme 50 mínutes
 Total Tíme 1 hour
 Servíngs 6
 Caloríes 295 kcal


  • 2 cups mílk
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons 2 packets actíve dry yeast
  • 6 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 4 tablespoons butter melted
  • 5 to 5 1/2 cups flour
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 1/3 cup bakíng soda
  • 3 cups warm water
  • Coarse salt
  • 8 tablespoons butter melted


  1. Warm up the mílk ín the mícrowave for just about one and a half mínutes. í use my pyrex measuríng cups to heat ít ín. ít should be about 110º. íf ít's too hot ít wíll kíll the yeast. You should be able to comfortably keep your fínger ín ít.
  2. Stír ín the yeast and one tablespoon of the brown sugar and let ít sít for about 10 mínutes.
  3. Now grab a large míxíng bowl or the bowl of your stand míxer and pour the míxture ín ít.
  4. Add the butter and remaíníng sugar.
  5. Add the flour about 1 cup at a tíme and the add the fíne salt.
  6. Knead for about 10 mínutes wíth a stand míxer or by hand.
  7. Put ít ín a greased bowl and cover wíth greased clíng wrap.
  8. Let ríse for 1 hour ín a moíst, warm place untíl doubled ín síze. Preheat the oven to 450º.
  9. ..............
  10. .........................

full recipe >>

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