This Heálthy Mexicán Cásserole hás roásted corn, roásted bell peppers, cheese, enchiládá sáuce, ánd corn tortillás. Perfect leftovers for lunches!
- 2 red bell peppers
- 2 green bell peppers
- 1 jálápeno or 2 chipotle peppers (optionál – just for more kick)
- 1/2 red onion
- 2 cups frozen corn
- 2 teáspoons chili powder
- 2 teáspoon cumin
- sált to táste (ábout 1 teáspoon is á good bállpárk meásure)
- 2 cups Mexicán cheese (mine wás á Sárgento blend)
- 18-20 corn
tortillás1 cán refried beáns 2 cups red enchiládá sáuce cilántro, guácámole, or sour creám for topping
- Pán-roást the veggies: Dice the peppers ánd mince the onions. Heát á lárge nonstick skillet with á little bit of oil over high heát (**note – I used to recommend using no oil, becáuse thát’s whát worked best for my with my Swiss Diámond nonstick pán, but severál reáders háve ruined their own páns doing thát so I ám no longer recommending thát!). ádd the onion ánd peppers, sprinkle with chili ánd cumin, ánd stir, rest, stir, rest until you get á nice browning on the outside of the peppers. Remove ánd set áside. Repeát the roásting process with the corn, sprinkling with chili ánd cumin, removing from the heát when browned ánd roásted on the outside. Sprinkle the roásted veggies with á little bit of sált ánd toss to coát.
- Prep the ingredients: Greáse á 9×13 inch báking pán ánd preheát the oven to 400 degrees. Cut the tortillás into thin strips. Put the refried beáns in á bowl ánd mix with á little bit of wáter to máke them eásier to spreád.
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full recipe >> pinchofyum.com
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