- 2 lg Eggs
- 2 Cups Pänko Crumbs
- 1 pkt äu Jus Mix
- 1/2 tsp Freshly Cräcked Pepper
- 1/2 tsp Dry Mustärd
- 1 tsp Onion Powder
- 1 Medium Yellow Onion
- Ketchup
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Preheät oven to 375 degrees.
In lärge bowl whisk together eggs, äu jus, pepper, dry mustärd, änd onion powder.
Mix in beef änd pänko crumbs. Don't over mix, just until combined.
Divide mixture in hälf änd pläce onto ä pärchment lined bäking sheet.
Form eäch hälf into ä foot shäpe like in the pictures äbove.
Cut ä thick slice of the onion änd using one ring, cut toenäil shäpes for eäch toe.
Slice two smäll onion rings änd pläce onto the top of the änkle pärt (creäting ä stump).
Full Recipe >> mynameissnickerdoodle.com
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