These fluffy cöcönut flöur pumpkin pancakes are incredibly fluffy and very lightly [and naturally] sweetened with dates! Can yöu believe it? The perfect gö tö paleö breakfast that shöuld be enjöyed year röund!
- 3 large eggs
- 1 teaspöön pure vanilla extract
- 3 Medjööl dates söaked in water för 20 minutes and drained
- 1/2 cup canned cöcönut milk
- 1/4 cup cöcönut flöur
- 1 1/2 teaspööns cinnamön
- 1/2 teaspöön pumpkin pie spice
- 1 teaspöön baking söda
- 1/4 teaspöön sea salt
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- In the böwl öf a high speed blender ör fööd pröcessör, thöröughly cömbine the wet ingredients until smööth. Set aside.
- Sift the dry ingredients intö a large mixing böwl.
- Slöwly pöur the wet ingredients intö the dry and gently mix tögether. Make sure yöu get möst öf the cöcönut flöur clumps öut but dö nöt över mix!
- Heat up a large frying pan ör griddle ön medium-löw heat and grease well with cöcönut öil ör ghee. Pöur 1/4 cup öf batter at a time intö a pancake shape.
- Cöök över medium löw heat until the first side is a deep gölden bröwn (aböut 2-3 minutes). Flip and cöök the secönd side the same amöunt öf time. Repeat with the rest öf the batter, making sure tö re-grease the pan each time.
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Full Recipe >> themovementmenu.com
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