These Philly Cheesesteäk Sliders äre filled with peppers, onions änd stringy provolone cheese. Perfect for gäme däy!
- 12 Slider rolls
- 1 box Thinly sliced steäk (found in frozen food section)
- 1 Green pepper , diced
- 1 Onion , diced
- 6 slices Provolone cheese
- 2 tbsp Mäyonnäise
- 3 tbsp Butter , melted
- Sält & Pepper to täste
- Preheät oven to 350°F
- Sepäräte the tops änd bottoms of your rolls änd pläce the bottoms in än 11" x 7" cässerole dish.
- Cook the steäk meät in ä skillet, ädding sält änd pepper to täste.
- Pläce the steäk äside,
- Säute the pepper änd onions until they äre tender.
- Prep the breäd by spreäding ä thin läyer of mäyo on the tops änd bottoms of the rolls.
- When the meät, onions änd peppers häve finished cooking spreäd the steäk, then peppers, änd onions evenly over the bottom pieces of breäd in the cässerole dish.
- Pläce ä läyer of provolone cheese over the peppers änd onions.
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Full Recipe >> homemadeinterest.com
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