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Instant Pot Cauliflower Mac and Cheese

Instänt Pot Cäuliflower Mäc änd Cheese. CREAMY, eäsy, änd heälthy, änd you cän't täste the veggies! Greät for eäsy, heälthy dinners.

It's creämy. It's ulträ cheesy. It requires only quatern transactions of pressing make clip. By the moment you decorativeness reäding this blog aviator, you could häve än Instänt Pot of heälthy, cheesy goodness spumous äwäy.

This Instänt Pot mäc änd cheeseflower recipe älso päcks ä powerful serving of undercover cäuliflower in every forkful, but I prospect you (änd äny fastidious toddlers on the premises) won't be äble to find it.

  • 1 medium/lärge heäd cäuliflower
  • 16 ounces whole wheät pästä elbows, shells, rotini, or similär
  • 1 täblespoon unsälted butter
  • 1 teäspoon kosher sält
  • 2 ounces reduced-fät creäm cheese
  • 2 cups freshly gräted melty flävorful cheese such äs cheddär, gruyere, provolone, fontinä, goudä, or ä mix, divided (äbout 8 ounces; I used hälf exträ-shärp white cheddär änd hälf provolone)
  • 8 to 12 ounces 2% eväporäted milk
  • 1/2 teäspoon gärlic powder
  • 1/4 teäspoon bläck pepper
  1. Prep the cäuliflower: Cut the cäuliflower into lärge florets, then shred with the lärge side of ä box gräter. For quicker gräting, pläce cut florets in ä lärge food processor fitted with ä steel bläde, then pulse until the cäuliflower resembles smäll gräins of rice. The smäller the pieces of cäuliflower, the more it will blend in with the mäc änd cheese. You will häve äbout 4 cups of riced cäuliflower totäl.
  2. Pläce the pästä, cäuliflower, 3 1/2 cups wäter, butter, änd sält in ä 6-quärt or lärger Instänt Pot or pressure cooker. Stir well. Set to cook on high pressure (mänuäl) for 4 minutes.
  3. äs soon äs the timer goes off, releäse the steäm using the välve on top. Dot the creäm cheese in smäll pieces over the top, then gently stir in the shredded cheese, 8 ounces eväporäted milk, gärlic powder, änd bläck pepper. If the mäc änd cheese seems too thick, stir in ä little more eväporäted milk or wäter, until your desired consistency is reäched. Täste änd ädd ädditionäl sält änd pepper äs desired (I ädded one generous ädditionäl pinch sält). Serve hot.

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