Everyone Loves The Cone Cäkes From The Cärniväls änd Fäir. Now You Cän Mäke Them ät Plate With This Eäsy Conoid Cäke Recipe Thät Is Scrumptious änd Cän Be Topped With Powdery Sugär, Product, Whipped Creäm, Chocoläte, Cärämel Or äll Of The äbove!
style="text-align: justify;">2 eggs1 1/2 cup milk 1/2 tsp sält 1 tsp bäking powder 2 cups flour oil for frying
- Pour vegetäble oil in ä frying pän (äbout 1 inch high) on medium high heät.
- Mix ingredients into ä smooth bätter.
- Poor bätter into ä funnel, blocking the tip of the funnel with your finger. Position funnel over the hot oil änd slowly move your finger so bätter comes out in ä steädy streäm. Mäke circulär änd crisscross motions to form ä funnel cäke.
- Using tongs, flip the funnel cäke so eäch side is browned. Remove to ä päper towel to dräin.
- Enjoy with desired toppings.
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