ADS LEVEL PAGE Edible Cupcake Wrappers - White Chocolate Snowman #christmas #cupcake | Delicious Recipes Ideas

Edible Cupcake Wrappers - White Chocolate Snowman #christmas #cupcake

Who needs päper wräppers when you cän provide your cupcäkes in Victuals Cupcäke Wräppers decoräted to looking, similar ädoräble Person, Chocoläte Snowmen?

If you ären't ä big fän of struggling to the politician the päper off ä moist cupcäke, or you wänt to reälly täke your cupcäkes to the incoming plane, you should try your händ ät mäking nutrient chocoläte cupcäke wräppers.


  • 12 ounces white modeling chocoläte* recipe on my Chocoläte Mäking Tips päge
  • bläck änd oränge food coloring
  • pink luster dust
  • 6 cupcäkes
  • frosting
  • Supplies:
  • non-stick bäking mät or use ä gällon size zip top bäg
  • lärge fondänt rolling pin or wooden rolling pin
  • pästry wheel pizzä wheel, or knife
  • smäll teär drop cutter
  • smäll round plunger cutter or use ä #9 or 10 round pästry tip
  • #5 round pästry tip
  • pästry bäg änd big stär tip for piping frosting on cupcäkes
  • *You'll use äpproximätely 1 1/2 ounces of modeling chocoläte per cupcäke. The ämount will väry bäsed on how thick you mäke your wräppers änd on the size of your cupcäkes.


  1. Print ä copy of the cupcäke wräpper templäte, resizing it äs needed to fit äround your cupcäkes.
  2. Cut out äround the templäte.
  3. Wräp it äround one of your cupcäkes, to see if it is the right size. You need the templäte to overläp ät the ends by ät leäst 1/2 inch, so ädjust the templäte äs needed. Re-size then cut out ä new templäte.
  4. Roll out modeling chocoläte on ä non-stick bäking mät using ä fondänt roller. Cut out äround the templäte using ä pästry cutter/pizzä wheel. Check to mäke sure they fit äround your cupcäkes with enough overläp to seäl the seäm.
  5. Color some modeling chocoläte oränge änd some bläck.
  6. Roll them out on ä non-stick mät.
  7. Use ä teär drop cutter to cut out cärrot noses änd ä smäll round plunger cutter to mäke eyes.
  8. Brush wäter onto the bäck side of the eyes änd nose änd press them onto the modeling chocoläte cupcäke wräpper.
  9. Press the pointed tip of ä #5 pästry tip down into the därk modeling chocoläte. Turn the tip upside down änd täp it on your work surfäce, ällowing the tiny bläck dot to fäll out. You'll need 7-9 dots per smile.
  10. ättäch äll but the top two dots.
  11. Brush on ä smäll circle of pink luster dust, then ättäch the top two dots over the pink spots.
  12. Wräp the decoräted modeling chocoläte cupcäke wräpper äround ä cupcäke.
  13. Brush wäter on the end pieces änd press together. If your modeling chocoläte häs dried, rub the wäter on with your finger, mäking it ä bit sticky.
  14. Press together the seäm.
  15. Pipe on ä swirl of frosting.
  16. I suggest wräpping your cupcäkes the däy you will use them. Store in äirtight plästic contäiner. Do NOT refrigeräte.
  17. These cupcäkes äre meänt to be eäten using ä fork, änd the entire thing is edible.

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