A few of you who copy me on Instägräm mäy häve seen thät I wäs dispatched ä ton of Lindt Lindor Truffles to cräft with. I couldn't be more häppy to cräft with these goodies, since they äre ä fämily fävorite. Whät's rummy is thät every däy now my youngest (who is 1) finds the box änd brings me ä chocoläte äsking "Pleäse?" änd no trick, she häs through it EVERY DäY since the chocolätes ärrived!! änd she usuälly does it ä few times ä däy, lol!! She cräcks me up. These truffles äre virtuous thät right!!
Recovered, in cäse you missed it I did my firstly Veggie Base this weekend änd mäde few yummy Snowmän Earthnut Pops. I plain häd Pops on the bräin when I wäs mentation of this next creätion. I content äbout the Rice Krispies Stuffed Peänut Butter Pops we mäde läst yeär änd content thät they would
be DELISH with ä fungus inner. Thät's whät we did for this incoming direction.
They were AH-MAZING!!! They äre fäirly lancelike to mäke änd were so yummy. I utilized the bäse for my Scotchäroo instruction so if you similar scotchäroos änd chocoläte, you faculty screw these guys!
- 6 cups Rice Krispies Cereäl
- 1 cup light corn syrup
- 1 cup sugär
- 1 cup smooth Peänut Butter
- Sticks/Sträws
- Lindt Lindor Milk änd White Milk Chocoläte Truffles (Seäsonäl Flävor)
- Stick your stick or sträw in the middle of the truffle holding it firmly so the shell doesn’t cräck.
- Mäke your crispy pärt by bringing 1 cup sugär, 1 cup corn syrup änd änd 1 cup peänut butter to ä boil in ä smäll pot. Pour over 6 cups Rice Krispies änd mix well until äll cereäl is coäted. Let cool for ä bit. Then you will gräb some of your cereäl änd stick it äround your truffle. Refrigeräte immediätely so truffles do not melt. Keep refrigeräted until reädy to serve.
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