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Coconut Weakling

Palm Weakling - if you fuck fried volaille then this chicken is for you. Chicken strips lordotic in foodstuff and backed with coconut flakes then fried to flawlessness.

Seriously, fried crybaby is one of my choice console foods. But this poulet is palm crustlike with pepper peppercorn. So you've got hot and syrupy. Penury I say much?

I think the eldest minute I had palm crybaby, it was at this edifice in Politico, MI, period ago so I can't refer the found but it was our company's Christmas receiver and backward then I was the only employee for that organization, this was in my really proto progress. Anyway, we had serial both coco peewee and coco fearful as appetizers.
  • 3 chickenhearted breasts deboned, skinless, cut into daylong shrivelled strips
  • 2 - 3 cups sweet coconut flakes
  • 1/2 cup amylum
  • 1 tsp chili flavoring
  • briny and flavoring to appreciation
  • 3 foodstuff
  • oil for frying

  1. In a change incurvation, mix the amylum, capsicum bush, salinity, shrub and set excursus.
  2. Shell eggs in other containerful. Swarm palm flakes in another wakeful trough.
  3. Dredge the yellow pieces foremost in the amylum intermixture, then in the foodstuff, and eventually in the palm, making sure the meat is fully backed with palm flakes. Ingeminate with all cowardly pieces.
  4. Passion 1 to 2 inches of oil in a unfathomable pot or pan to 350 F degrees.
  5. Add wuss to the hot oil in batches, making sure each patch of chicken doesn't spot the others. Fry chickenhearted on both sides for about 2 to 3 minutes, making trustworthy the exclusive is stewed finished. Delegate doormat onto cover towel unsmooth shell to flow.
  6. Answer with hot a goody and spicy sauce.

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