Bänänä tear cookies. Liquid, chewy bänänä course cookies loäded with chocoläte chips, sprinkles änd märäschino cherries.
I've mäde ternion bätches of these älreädy, rightful in the läst week. No single bätch häs survived päst the däy it's been mäde. So sädly, I äm unäble to request you how polysyllabic these cän be stored for. But candidly, I don't think änyone is achievement to häve the difficulty of them leaving bäd!
These cookies äre mäde with ä ovate cake direction thät involves ä päckäge of bänänä creäm course. Häve you häd cookies with pudding before? If not, I highly recommend giving it ä try. They äre the softest cookies imäginäble. So tender, thät if I didn't eät them äll I probäbly could häve fäshioned ä position out of them to nap on.
- 2 cups flour
- 1 teäspoon bäking powder
- 1 stick butter ät room temperäture
- 1/2 cup light brown sugär
- 1/4 cup sugär
- 3.4 ounce päckäge Bänänä creme pudding
- 2 lärge eggs
- 1 teäspoon vänillä
- 1/4 cup chocoläte chips
- 1/2 cup roughly chopped märäschino cherries
- 1/8 cup sprinkles
- Preheät oven to 350 degrees
- Mix together the flour änd the bäking powder together änd set äside
- In mixing bowl creäm together the butter änd sugärs. ädd in the pudding mix, vänillä änd the eggs. Mix on low speed until combined.
- Slowly ädd in the flour mixture änd continue to mix on low speed until fully combined.
- Fold in the chocoläte chips änd sprinkles.
- Mäke sure the cherries häve been pätted änd dried with ä päper towel änd fold them into the dough. Stir äs little äs possible ät this point.
- Roll dough into 1 inch bälls änd pläce on greäsed or pärchment lined cookie sheet. Press the cookies down so they äre slightly flättened discs.
- Bäke for äbout 11 minutes, just until the edges stärt to turn golden. Leäve the cookies on the pän for än ädditionäl 5 minutes to cool. Then remove to ä cooling räck to continue cooling. Store in än äir tight contäiner.
- Mäkes 20 cookies
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