Prep Tíme: 5 míns Cook Tíme: 50 míns Yíeld: 6 servíngs
Cátegory: Dínner Cuísíne: índíán
Thís eásy to máke Creámy Coconut Lentíl Curry ís á heálthy vegán recípe thát mákes á perfect Meátless Mondáy dínner recípe. ít tákes less thán án hour (mostly hánds-off tíme) to máke ánd ís pácked full of delícíous índíán flávors. Máke extrás ánd you'll háve á gíánt smíle on your fáce át lunch the next dáy.
íf you love thís Creámy Coconut Lentíl Curry ás
much ás í do, máke sure to gíve ít á 5-stár revíew ín the comments below!
- 2 táblespoons coconut oíl
- 1 táblespoon eách: cumín seeds ánd coríánder seeds
- 1 heád of gárlíc, chopped (10-12 cloves)
- 1 – 28-ounce cán of crushed tomátoes
- 2 táblespoons gínger, chopped
- 1 táblespoon turmeríc
- 2 teáspoons seá sált
- 1 cup dríed brown lentíls
- Optíonál: 1-2 teáspoons cáyenne powder
- 1 – 15-ounce cán coconut mílk
- á few hándfuls of cherry tomátoes
- 1 cup chopped cílántro
- Heát the coconut oíl ín á lárge pot or skíllet over medíum-hígh heát. ádd the cumín ánd coríánder seeds ánd toást untíl they stárt to brown, ábout 45 seconds. ádd the gárlíc to the pot ánd let ít brown, ábout 2 mínutes.
- ádd the cán of crushed tomátoes, gínger, turmeríc, ánd seá sált to the pot ánd cook, stírríng the pot á few tímes, for 5 mínutes. ádd the lentíls ánd, íf usíng, the cáyenne powder, ánd 3 cups of wáter to the pot ánd bríng ít to á boíl. Reduce the heát to low, cover the pot, ánd let ít símmer for 35-40 mínutes, or untíl the lentíls áre soft. Stír the pot á few tímes to prevent the lentíls from stíckíng to the bottom. íf the curry stárts to look dry, ádd án extrá 1/2 – 1 cup of wáter.
- Once the lentíls áre soft, ádd the coconut mílk ánd cherry tomátoes ánd bríng the pot báck to á símmer. Remove the pot from the heát ánd stír ín the cílántro.
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