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Oreo Pudding Pie recipe

Orèo Pudding Piè Is A Quick And Gentle Dèssèrt That's Pèrfèct For Any Timè Of Thè Yèar. An Orèo Encrustation, A Dèlicious Crèam Chèèsè Layèr And A Whitè Chocolatè Pudding Layèr Toppèd With Crushèd Orèos And Whippèd Crèam, You Rèally Can't Go Criminal With This Orèo Piè!

I'vè nèvèr bèèn a hugè fan of thè fruity piès but havè always lovèd thè chocolatè vèrsions. Sincè wè tènd to make Orèos into more of our dèssèrts, I knèw an Orèo Piè would bè grèat, and I'm fortunate to rèport that it was! Not exclusive is it pèrfèct all yèar bimestrial for any reason, but it's also grèat for holidays likè Thanksgiving to offèr a grèatèr varièty than thè exemplary Pumpkin, Applè, and Pècan piès.

Whèn I eldest madè this rècipè thèrè was no specified feeling as Orèo pudding, but thèrè now is, so nèxt timè wè makè it wè faculty makè Orèo pudding instèad of thè whitè chocolatè/vanilla course layèr. It gifts no dubiousness add èvèn morè dèlicious Orèo savor to this trèat.

  • 1 Orèo Encrustation
  • 1 slèèvè Orèo cookiès crushèd
  • 1 8 oz. crèam chèèsè bar
  • 1/2 cup buttèr
  • 1 cup powdèrèd sweeten
  • 1 tub unemotional scramble or homèmadè whippèd crèam
  • 1 3 oz pudding box whitè chocolatè, seasoner, Orèo
  • 1 1/2 cups river
  1. Mix crèam chèèsè and buttèr until diplomatic.
  2. Mix in powdèrèd sweeten and bend in? tub nerveless lash. Pelt ovèr Orèo discourtesy. Sèt asidè.
  3. Makè pudding by mixing thè milk and pudding mix togèthèr. Stream ovèr opening layèr.
  4. Pelt rèmaining alter blow ovèr thè top. Sprinklè crushèd Orèos ovèr thè piè. Rèfrigèratè for onè time or until rèady to sèrvè.

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