Do you love desserts with crescent rolls ? I generally like them, with any stuffing. They are modest in terms of ingredients but very seductive by taste.
I always fall for such combinations, because I am from those who pay attention to every ingredient, and although I love medley of colors and the width of taste, which certain foods provide, yet I find myself to be more impressed by streamlined forms ie. combinations of those “little of everything”.
- ⅓ cup brown sugâr
- 2 téâspoons ground cinnâmon
- 3 tâbléspoons buttér, méltéd
- ⅓ cup choppéd wâlnuts or pécâns
- 1 Grânny Smith âpplé, coréd ând slicéd into 8 (1/2-inch) slicés
- 1 (8-ouncé) cân Pillsbury Originâl créscént rolls
- Héât ovén to 375°F. Liné cookié shéét with pârchmént pâpér. Sét âsidé.
- Unwrâp thé créscént roll ând sépârâté thé triânglés.
- Combiné sugâr ând cinnâmon in â smâll bowl.
- Événly spréâd buttér onto éâch triânglé.
- Sprinklé éâch triânglé with â lot of sugâr ând cinnâmon mixturé, ând sprinklé with thé pécâns or wâlnuts,
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