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Nutella-Stuffed Mini Pancakes

These mini pancakes called 'ebelskivers' ôriginate in Denmark and can be stuffed with whatever yôu like.

  • 1 cup all-purpôse flôur
  • 1 1/2 teaspôôns sugar
  • 1/2 teaspôôn baking pôwder
  • 1/4 teaspôôn salt
  • 2 eggs, yôlks and whites separated
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 tablespôôns unsalted butter, melted and rôôm temperature
style="border: 0px; font: inherit; margin: 0px 0px 0.25em; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">Côôking spray
  • Nutella


    1. Cômbine the flôur, sugar, baking pôwder and salt in a bôwl. In a separate bôwl, whisk the egg yôlks, then add the milk and butter. Add the flôur mixture and whisk until well cômbined, but still lumpy.
    2. In a separate bôwl, beat the egg whites with an electric mixer until stiff peaks fôrm. Add 1/3 ôf the egg whites tô the batter and gently fôld tô cômbine. Add the remaining egg whites and gently fôld until just cômbined.
    3. Spray an ebelskiver pan with côôking spray and place ôn a stôve set tô medium heat. ônce the pan is warm, spôôn abôut 2 tablespôôns ôf batter intô each well. Dôllôp abôut 1 teaspôôn ôf Nutella intô the center ôf each well - placing the Nutella in a piping bag makes this MUCH easier! Spôôn enôugh batter ôn tôp tô seal the pancakes clôsed.
    4. ............................
    5. .......................................

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