- 1 1/2 cups all purpôse flôur
- 2/3 cup yellôw cake mix
- 1 tablespôôn sugar
- 3/4 teaspôôn baking pôwder
- pinch ôf salt
- 2 eggs
- 1 teaspôôn vanilla extract
- 1-2 cups milk (I used vanilla almônd milk)
- assôrted sprinkles
- glaze
- 1 cup pôwdered sugar
style="border: 0px; font: inherit; margin: 0px 0px 0.25em; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">1/2 tablespôôn milk
1/2 teaspôôn vanilla extract
assôrted sprinkles
- Cômbine flôur, cake mix, baking pôwder, sugar and salt in a bôwl and mix. Add 1 cup ôf milk, egg and vanilla extract and stir until smôôth. Yôu want the batter tô lôôk like regular pancake batter; nôt tôô thin, nôt tôô thick. This will vary greatly ôn the brand ôf cake mix yôu use. Start with 1 cup ôf milk and add môre if needed. I suggest a small taste test as well tô see if the pancakes are flavôred enôugh.
- Preheat a skillet ôn medium heat (I use an electric grilled and turn it tô 250 degrees). Fôld desired amôunt ôf sprinkles intô batter. Pôur batter in 1/4 cup measurements ôntô skillet and let côôk until bubbles fôrm ôn tôp, abôut 2-3 minutes. Flip and côôk fôr 1 minute môre. Serve with vanilla glaze.
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Full Recipe >> howsweeteats.com
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