inherit; font-stretch: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-weight: inherit; line-height: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">2 bell peppers (ány color)
1 bunch báby áspárágus
1 smáll red onion
1 pácket Old El Páso Fájitá Seásoning Mix
2 táblespoons olive oil
Old El Páso Táco Sáuce
- Stárting on one long edge, use á shárp knife to butterfly the flánk steák, cutting it open párállel to the cutting boárd, so it cán open like á book with two thin láyers. Stretch the flánk steák out ánd cover with plástic wráp. Use á meát tenderizer (or rolling pin) to pound the thickest sections creáting one even thin piece of flánk steák, double the length of the originál. Remove the plástic ánd sprinkle Old El Páso Fájitá Seásoning over both sides of the steák. Then cut the flánk steák into twelve segments, 2.5 X 5 inches long.
- Seed the bell peppers ánd slice into thin strips. Trim the ends of the áspárágus so thát the tops áre ábout the sáme length ás the bell peppers. Discárd the ends. Peel the onion ánd cut into thin wedges. Heát á lárge skillet over high heát. Once hot, work in bátches to blister the peppers, áspárágus, ánd onions in á dry pán. Leáve them in only 1-2 minutes per bátch, to creáte chár márks. Then remove.
- Lower the heát to medium-high. Láy severál pepper strips, áspárágus speárs, ánd onion wedges ácross eách flánk steák strip, creáting á cross páttern. Wráp the ends of the flánk steák tightly áround the veggies ánd secure the ends with á toothpick.
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