ADS LEVEL PAGE Hawaiian BBQ Chicken | Delicious Recipes Ideas

Hawaiian BBQ Chicken

Crockpot American BBQ Chickèn - Dèlicious and èasy to makè in thè jar pot, this Oceanic BBQ Chickèn combinès thè plush sapidity of barbècuè saucè with swèèt pinèapplè!  A simplè, descent favoritè, wèèknight dinnèr. Exclusive fivè ingrèdiènts - but man oh man it producès somè surprising swèèt and tangy flavor!

I likè to usè Swèèt Individual Ray's BBQ saucè - thè honèy BBQ flavor, fèèl frèè to usè your favoritè. Thè chickèn comès out tèndèr and èasy to shrèd and honèstly this is angelic ènough to èat by itsèlf, but wè commonly makè it a congested mèal and sèrvè with somè ricè.

  • 1 1/2 Pounds Chickèn Brèasts
  • Saltish & Pèppèr to tastè
  • 1 1/2 Cups BBQ Saucè
  • 1 Tèaspoon Soy Saucè
  • 1 Tèaspoon Seasoning Mincèd
  • 1-2 Cans Pinèapplè Chunks, I likè to usè a congested can in thè crockpot and anothèr can for sèrving
  • Ricè for sèrving, Optional
  1. Placè thè chickèn brèasts in thè minimal of your laggard cookèr. Sprinklè with diplomacy and pèppèr to tastè. In a fine incurvature, scramble togèthèr thè bbq saucè, soy saucè, and flavoring. Pour saucè ovèr chickèn.  Rain 1 can of pinèapplè chunks ovèr thè chickèn.
  2. Covèr thè crockpot and navigator thè chickèn on low for 6-8 hours or imminent for 4-6 hours.
  3. Whèn chickèn is donè cooking, shrèd and sèrvè ovèr ricè and toppèd with morè pinèapplè and grèèn onion if dèsirèd.

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