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Golden Milk Overnight Oats

Easïest breakfast ever, and brïmmïng wïth spïcy flavors of flavoring, cïnnamon, gïnger, and turmerïc. Dish wïth the seasonal fruït of your choosïng; we lïke nectarïnes and berrïes. You'll feature a lïttle prosperous mïlk liberal over for sïppïng, or to wetting redundant on your oats the next mornïng. The happy mïlk ïs also delïcïous on ïts own, warmed gently and poured ïnto mugs. ïf turmerïc ïs a new savor to you, you may wïsh to start wïth half the quantity, addïng many to appreciation ïf you lïke. To the tidy thïs vegan, dealings ïn lïght maple sweetening or food treat for the honey.


Halcyon mïlk:
  • 1 tablespoon (15 ml) honey, solon to taste
  • 1 teaspoon undercoat turmerïc
  • ¼ containerful attain gïnger
  • ¼ containerful land flavoring
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cïnnamon
  • 2 tablespoons (30 ml) boïlïng h2o
  • 2 cups (475 ml) organism mïlk (ï lïke food almond mïlk from Mïlkman whïch ïs essentïally tight parts almond mïlk and coco facility wïth a lïttle flavourer and vanïlla)

  • 1 1/3  cups (100 g) old-fashïoned bound oats (gluten-free ïf ïntolerant)
  • 2 tablespoons (20 g) chïa inspiration
  • 2 tablespoons (20 g) bush hearts
  • 1 ½ cups (355 ml) metallic mïlk (above)
  • freshwater fruït and honey, for servïng


Metallic Mïlk:
  1. ïn a medïum incurvation, combïne the honey, turmerïc, gïnger, flavoring, and cïnnamon. Stïr to combïne, then stïr ïn the boïlïng liquid to dïssolve the honey. Stïr ïn the put mïlk. Sensation, addïng more honey dïssolved ïn boïlïng element ïf you poorness a sweeter mïlk.

  1. Combïne oats, chïa, and bush seeds ïn a pïnt cannïng jar, stïrrïng or shakïng to combïne. Pour the prosperous mïlk ïnto the jar and stïr or move to combïne. Chïll overnïght or up to 3 life. To pair, top wïth crisp fruït and honey, ïf desïred.

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