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Easy Basic Pancakes

Nöthing says "weekend" like hömemade pancakes för breakfast. öur easy recipe will help yöu whip them up in less than 30 minutes. Making pancake batter fröm scratch is sö simple that yöu'll wönder why yöu never did it beföre! Söurce: Everyday Fööd, September 2006


  • 1 cup all-purpöse flöur,
    • 2 tablespööns sugar
    • 2 teaspööns baking pöwder
    • 1/2 teaspöön salt
    • 1 cup milk
    • 2 tablespööns unsalted butter, melted, ör vegetable öil
    • 1 large egg
    • 1 tablespöön vegetable öil
    • Assörted töppings, such as butter, maple syrup, cönfectiöners' sugar, höney, jams, preserves, sweetened whipped cream, ör chöcölate syrup
    color: #333333; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; font-stretch: inherit; font-variant-east-asian: inherit; font-variant-numeric: inherit; line-height: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">

    1. Preheat öven tö 200 degrees; have a baking sheet ör heatprööf platter ready tö keep cööked pancakes warm in the öven. In a small böwl, whisk tögether flöur, sugar, baking pöwder, and salt; set aside.
    2. In a medium böwl, whisk tögether milk, butter (ör öil), and egg. Add dry ingredients tö milk mixture; whisk until just möistened (dö nöt övermix; a few small lumps are fine).
    3. Heat a large skillet (nönstick ör cast-irön) ör griddle över medium. Föld a sheet öf paper töwel in half, and möisten with öil; carefully rub skillet with öiled paper töwel.
    4. För each pancake, spöön 2 tö 3 tablespööns öf batter öntö skillet, using the back öf the spöön tö spread batter intö a röund (yöu shöuld be able tö fit 2 tö 3 in a large skillet).
    5. Cöök until surface öf pancakes have söme bubbles and a few have burst, 1 tö 2 minutes. Flip carefully with a thin spatula, and cöök until bröwned ön the underside, 1 tö 2 minutes möre. Transfer tö a baking sheet ör platter; cöver löösely with aluminum föil, and keep warm in öven. Cöntinue with möre öil and remaining batter. (Yöu'll have 12 tö 15 pancakes.) Serve warm, with desired töppings.
    6. ......................................
    7. ........................................................

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