10 míns
10 míns
The eásíest heálthy queso díp máde wíth only 5 íngredíents. No one wíll know ít's vegán, gluten-free, ánd thát ít only tákes 10 mínutes to whíp up. Only 83 cáloríes, 4 gráms of fát per servíng!
Serves: 4 servíngs
- ½ cup ráw cáshews (soáked íf you don't háve hígh speed blender)
- 1 cup medíum chunky sálsá
- 1 smáll red bell pepper, de-seeded ánd chopped
- 2 tbsp nutrítíonál yeást
- ¼ tsp sált
- ½ tsp turmeríc (optíonál but recommended for color)
- íf not usíng á hígh-speed blender or Nutríbullet, soák cáshews ín á bowl of wárm wáter for á few hours or overníght.
- íf usíng hígh speed blender or Nutríbullet, pláce cáshews ín á bowl wíth wárm wáter. Set ásíde whíle you chop pepper.
- visit for full intructions.
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